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Civil Rights News Reels Through the Years

Hollywood Civil Rights Roundtable 1963

In this film, Harry Belafonte, Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, Sidney Poitier, Joseph Mankiewicz, James Baldwin and David Schoenbrun discuss the Civil Rights March on Washington of August 28, 1963. 

The March on Washington 1963

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the March on Washington, or The Great March on Washington, was held in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, August 28, 1963.


Click: Saving My Black History Collection

White Defense League Notting Hill, England

The White Defense League was a British far-right political group. Using the provocative marching techniques popularized by Oswald Mosley, its members included a young John Tyndall.

The Year Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964  

Roy Wilkins  was a prominent civil rights activist in the United States from the 1930s to the 1970s.  

Thomas LeRoy Collins was an   attorney and politician who served as the 33rd Governor of Florida. 

The P E O P L E and the P O L I C E

1968 Washington DC

Racism Growing in Notting Hill, England

Just months after the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the riots that devastated Washington, D.C., the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) introduced a program intended to bring the city together.

  Black Panther Party leaders Huey P. Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale

  Black Panther Party members are shown as they marched in uniform. Students at rally marched, sang, clapped hands, and carried protest signs. Police in riot gear controlled marchers.

The Newark New Jersey Riots  1967

The 1967 Newark riots was one of 159 race riots that swept cities in the United States during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967". This riot occurred in Newark, New Jersey, between July 12 and July 17, 1967. Over the four days of rioting, looting, and property destruction, 26 people died and hundreds were injured.

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