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Ira Gallen 2nd Unit Director with Director Chuck Bail on The Gumball Rally 1976
In Memory of Tab Hunter
In the 1950s, Tab Hunter is number one at the box office and number one on the music charts. He is Hollywood's most sought-after star and America's boy next door. Natalie Wood, Debbie Reynolds and Sophia Loren are just a few of the actresses he is romantically linked to. Nothing, it seems, can damage Tab Hunter's career. Nothing, that is, except for the fact that Tab Hunter is secretly gay. Click to download Tab Hunter Confidential at Amazon.com

I was lucky to have had Tab Hunter hanging out at my apartment in 1988 talking about his latest film Cameron's Closet and his career. All I can say is that he was a class act, and he will be missed.
Click: to order Tab Hunter Confidential
On Location with Director Sydney Pollock Tootsie with Dustin Hoffman 1983
I'm on location with Director Sydney Pollack for the movie Tootsie in 1982 starring Dustin Hoffman and Jessica Lange. I worked with Dustin on Marathon Man and Kramer vs Kramer.
On location with Sydney Pollack
Part 2: Tootsie reveal on Park Ave
On Location with Director Sydney Pollack and Tootise 1983 Part 2: Closing scene and the Mail.

I first met Sydney Pollack on 3 Days of the Condor, 1975 as a production assistant. We almost got together on Electric Horseman to write a book on his film career, but that's another story.
When he came to New York making Tootsie he let me shoot a behind the scenes look at the making of the film. It was also the first time Sydney and his Director of Photography Owen Roizman were using video playback on his sets.
Director Sydney Pollack
Director Sydney Pollack 1983 Part 2: They Shoot Horses Don'y They? and Three Days of the Condor
Director Sydney Pollack 1983 Part 8: Jeramiah Johnson
Director Sydney Pollack 1983 Part 10: The Yakuza
Director Sydney Pollack Part 12: Electric Horseman and Robert Redford
The Director's Series
with John A. Gallagher
A remarkable interview with the legendary animator Ralph Bakshi in 1982.
Director Sydney Pollack1983 Part 9: The Way We Were
Ralph Bellamy
Ralph Bellamy Part 1
Working in a Stock Company
Ralph Bellamy Part 2
The Studio System
Ralph Bellamy Part 3
Working with Director Tay Garnett
Ralph Bellamy Part 4
Working at Paramount
Ralph Bellamy Part 5
Working with Leo McCarey
and Gregory LaCava
Ralph Bellamy Part 6:
Working at Universal Studio
Ralph Bellamy Part 7 Working with Director Howard Hawks on His Girl Friday
Ralph Bellamy Part 8 Working with Director Dorothy Arzner and the Studio System
Ralph Bellamy Part 9 Working with director Lloyd Bacon and others.
Director Interviews
by John Gallagher
and Jim Vienerie
Director Marshall Brickman
Director Marshall Brickman Part 1: Talks about working with Woody Allen
Director Jim Henson
Director Jim Henson talks about The Dark Crystal and the future of video technology.
Ralph Bellamy Part 10: His first with Director George Hill and Clark Gable
Ralph Bellamy Part 11 Working with director Micheal Curtiz
Ralph Bellamy Part 12 Working with Directors Melvin LeRoy,Richard Brooks,Roman Polanski, and Otto Preminger
Ralph Bellamy Part 13 Working with Director John Landis and Trading Places
Director Franco Zeffirelli
Director Franco Zeffirelli talks about his latest film and career
Music Frank Zappa
Actor Tab Hunter
Actor Tab Hunter Part 1 Talks about Cameron's Closet
Actor Tab Hunter Part 2: Talks bout Natalie Wood, James Dean and other directors he worked with.
Actress Carrie Snodgrass
Actress Carrie Snodgrass part 2: Talking about her latest film Murphys Law with Charles Bronson 1986
Actor Gene Nelson
Actor Gene Nelson Part 2: Talking about his film career.
Ron Cobb Art Director
Ron Cobb Art Director part 1 Conan The Barbarian, Alien and others.
Ron Cobb Art Director 1982 Part 2 The Making of Conan the Barbarian
Ron Cobb is an American cartoonist, artist, writer, film designer, and film director. By the age of 18, with no formal training in graphic illustration, Cobb was working as an animation "in-betweener" artist for Disney Studios in Burbank, California. He progressed to becoming a breakdown artist on the animation feature Sleeping Beauty (1959). (This was the last Disney film to have cels inked by hand.)
In 1981, Colorvision, a large-format, full-colour monograph appeared, including much of his design work for the films Star Wars (1977), Alien (1979), and Conan the Barbarian (1982), the first feature for which he received the credit of Production Designer. Cobb has also contributed production design to the films The Last Starfighter (1984), Leviathan (1989), Total Recall (1990), True Lies (1994), The Sixth Day (2000), Cats & Dogs (2001), Southland Tales (2006), and the Australian feature Garbo, which he directed. Cobb contributed the initial story for Night Skies, an earlier, darker version of E.T..
Director Wolfgang Peterson & Actor Jurgen Prochow
Director Wolfgang Peterson & Actor Jurgen Prochow Part 2: Mishaps on
Das Boot 1981
Director William Reichert
Director William Reichert 1983
Director Robert Downey Sr.
Director Robert Downey Sr. talks about career 1991
Director Alan Parker
Director Alan Parker talks about his film with Mickey Rourke & Robert De Niro on Angel Heart 1987
Director Paul Schrader
Director Paul Schrader part 3
Director Paul Schrader part 1
Director Paul Schrader part 2
Director Sam Raimi Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 with an interview by John Gallagher
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 1:Making the Movie
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 2:Screenplay
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 3: Screenplay
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 4: Working
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 5: Ratings
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 6: Special Effects
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 7: Special Effects 2
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn 1987 Part 8: Ted Raimi
Actor Max Von Sydow
Part 1
Part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Director Jason Miller
Jason Miller Actor talks about directing the film and writing the award winning play of The Championship Season
Jason Miller edited segment with clips from the movie
Andrei Sergeyevich Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky a Russian film director, film producer and screenwriter. He was a frequent collaborator of Andrei Tarkovsky earlier in his career. He is the son of Natalia Konchalovskaya and Sergey Mikhalkov, and brother to Nikita Mikhalkov who is also a well known Russian film director.
Siberiade is a 1979 epic Soviet film in four parts, spanning much of the 20th century. It was directed by Andrei Konchalovsky, working for the Mosfilm studio.
Click: To buy the DVD of Siberiade at Amazon released through Kino
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