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The I LOVE LUCY gang introduce and act in commercials related to Westinghouse kitchen and home products, coffee makers, trade-ins on refrigerators, and more. Betty Furness joins the gang and even little Ricky. Westinghouse furniture, TV with power tuning and a wireless remote control, Etch a Sketch, Silly String, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, coming attractions, Dodge of 1956, Johnson Wax and Glocoat, Ozzie and Harriet support a new toothpaste -- Antizyme-- Listerine toothpaste, Plymouth for 1958, Tombstone Territory, animated Listerine, Allerest, Simon Pure Beer with Buster Keaton, Desto with Groucho Marx, Marx Brothers for Creamy Prom, Tang with Bugs and Daffy, Philip Morris with Lucy and Desi, Post Grape Nuts with Andy Griffith, Instant Simon Wax with the Three Stooges, Flintstones for Winston cigarettes, Texaco with Jack Benny and Dennis Day, Tootsie rolls, Duncan Yo Yo's, Kay-Bee Toy Company's Safe Driving Spot, Doodle Buggy, Lone Ranger for Aeroshave and Pizza Rolls and more

Classic TV Commercials of the 50s & 60s - Vol. 08

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