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I was lucky that my Grandfather Cy Gallen was in the film business, if you count making family home movies as a profession. He started taking 16mm movies when my Grandmother Clara gave birth to my father Norman and Uncle Gilbert in 1928.
I first saw Charlie Chaplin onscreen when I was five or so, at a family gathering in the basement projecting our family films. My grandfather had edited into the ten-minute family reel the ice cream scene from The Adventurer (1917).
16mm Gallen Home Movies
Gallen Family Home Movies
and Friends 1930 (16mm)
The Gallen Twins Norman & Gilbert 1930
The Gallen Family Members 1930
Cy Gallen and his wife Clara take a day trip with friends 1930
Gallen Family Visiting 1876 East 24th Street
Brooklyn NY 1930 16mm
The Gallen Twins Norman &^ Gilbert playing outside 1930 Brooklyn NY 16mm
Gallen Family Pictures

CLICK: Gallen HI 8 Video Home Movies
My Pandemic Diary - click

Norman & Gilbert's 1st Overcoat November 7th 1930 16mm
Cy Gallen Family take a Trip 1932 16mm
Gallen Vacation to White Sulpher Springs, NY 1932 16mm
Cy Gallen Family take a Trip 1940 8mm
8mm Home Movies 1960 Summer Brooklyn
Norman, Sylvia, Gilbert, Ricky Bahamas
& Concord Hotel 24 minutes 8mm film
Rona/Alan Trip Norman Sylvia & Uncle
Gil & Aunt Ricky visit to Canada, Sylvia Birthday with friends 24 minutes
Ira playing with his Snub Noise 38 gun & shoulder holster by Mattel. 1960 Brooklyn
Sister Rona Wedding Shower with family, friends, Uncle Gilbert & Aunt Ricky Super8mm film
Sister Rona Yvette Gallen Wedding to
Alan Glick Super8mm Part 1
Sister Rona Yvette Gallen Wedding to
Alan Glick Super8mm Part 2
Ira H. Gallen Bar Mitzvah September 12th 1963
4oth Birthday Costume Party 1968 for my Dad. 8mm film
Jason Gallen Parents & Grandparents 24 minutes
Uncle Milton Gallen's Birthday Party, with all the relatives 1986 3/4 Tape
Jason Gallen Birthday 1st Birthday
Gallen Home Movies 1960's Fishing, swimming, Easter, Family & friends -Uncut 24 Minutes silent 8mm film
Jason 2nd Birthday & 8 months old in Bklyn backyard pool
Clara & Paul Lang Trip to Far East
Clara and Paul Travels
TVDAYS.com 220 West 71st Street NYC 10023 Vidres@aol.com