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The first group of exclusive signed Rootie Kazootie Memorabilia, Comics and Collectables, being offered as special "rewards" for supporting my Go Fund Me project to save my celluloid film archives are listed below. Other items in the TV Days Collection may be offered as prizes at a later date. These are super rare items that were sighed by Steve Carlin, the show's host and creator in 1999 shortly before he passed away.

The Rootie Kazootie Mega Memorabilia Collection Gift includes: A Rootie Comic (signed by Steve Carlin), Rootie Detective Little Golden Book (signed by Steve Carlin), Rootie Coloring Book (signed by Steve Carlin), Premiums Catalog, Rootie Mask (presented to kids on the live show itself) and five Coca Cola Rootie Character Premiums. Full exclusive Rootie Kazootie Nostalgia set: $1000 Donation (limit: 1)

A Rootie Kazootie Detective Little Golden Book (signed by Steve Carlin) $250 Donation (limit 9)
A Rootie Kazootie Comic (signed by Steve Carlin) $250 Donation (limit 36)